
音标/读音 [kәn'sensәs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 合意, 一致, 同感
[计] 合意

n. agreement in the judgment or opinion reached by a group as a whole



This is going to be a family consensus.


Sir, we have a congressional consensus.

总统先生 国会已经达成共识

There's no consensus in the psychiatric community what I should be termed.

精神病学界并没有达成一致定论 决定该如何描述我

Because we came to a consensus, and she signed it on both our behalves.

因为我们达成一致了 她代表我们签了名

And as yet, there is no consensus among the experts about how to do it.

而目前为止 专家们还没有就如何操作达成共识

And the consensus was that she'd never sung better.


The consensus is we need new security.


The consensus is we look *all and vengeful.

我们达成的共识是 我们看起来心胸狭窄又有报复心

All right, tells me there's a consensus before you all run off like that.

等等 你们先别急着散会 先告诉我你们有结论了吗

There is no consensus on any one single definition of sprawl.
