
音标/读音 [bә:'lin]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 柏林, (软质)柏林毛线

n. capital of Germany located in eastern Germany
n. United States songwriter (born in Russia) who wrote more than 1500 songs and several musical comedies (1888-1989)
n. a limousine with a glass partition between the front and back seats



Berlin had me keep tabs on him, or try to.

柏林让我监视他 尽量监视他

Berlin. I know you supply him with arms shipments.

柏林 我知道你为他提供军火

Berlin needs to believe I think he's dead.


Berlin says her camcorder data looks recoverable.


Berlin is much more than ridiculous parties and pompous ministers.

柏林不止有可笑的派对 和自大的部长

Berlin is presently divided into four major territories.


Berlin does a good job of hiding it, but I have met the man.

柏林掩藏得很好 但我见过他本人

Berlin is a city that knows a thing or two about a rebirth.


Berlin wasn't the only prisoner on that plane, and whoever wanted him wanted the others, as well.

柏林不是飞机上唯一的罪犯 想要抓他的人也想要抓其他人

Berlin was a very *art business man and very *art about protecting the writers' rights.

柏林是个非常聪明的商人 在保护作者权益方面非常精明