
音标/读音 ['dizi:iŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 令人昏乱的;极快的;灿烂的

v make dizzy or giddy



Hold me up. I'm dizzy. I can't stand.

扶我起来 我很晕 站不起来了

But he had some dizziness when I took him to the bathroom.


No. I've been dizzy sometime in between the pregnancies.

不 在两次怀孕期之间我也头晕

He's been complaining about being dizzy and lightheaded.

他一直抱怨头晕 头重脚轻

It's nothing, I, um... I'm getting dizzy.

没事的 我...我就是头晕

I looked once, but the hologram made me dizzy.

我看过一次 但是全息图让我头昏眼花

You never felt dizzy before? I don't know.

你從沒眩暈過嗎 不知道

If you're feeling dizzy, it's because the tables have turned.

如果你觉得头晕 那是因为风水轮流转

No, I got dizzy before anything happened.

不 在那之前我就觉得头晕了

You might be a little dizzy when we're done.

献完了血 你可能会有点头晕