
音标/读音 ['ævid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 渴望的, 急切的, 劲头十足的

s. (often followed by `for') ardently or excessively desirous
s. marked by active interest and enthusiasm



Let's go over here to our...to our avid readers.


We are avid fans of civic duty here.


Your brother tells me that you're an avid reader.

您兄弟告诉我 您非常爱看书

And you have such potential, so many gifts, you're an avid reader.

而你潜力无限 有这么多天赋 还喜欢看书

A 35yearold avid swimmer drowns in her own pool.

三十五岁的游泳爱好者 在自家泳池溺水

He went through it avidly, with an almost physical voracity.

他如饥似渴地读了 可以说是狼吞虎咽

I am nothing if not ‭an avid patron of the arts.


and an avid fan of a violent children's game.


You know, you seem to be an avid student of film and television.

你看起来很喜欢学习 电影和电视

Alex is an avid student of history, and sometimes assists me.

艾力克斯热衷历史 有时会给我打打下手