
音标/读音 [in'dʒekt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 注射, 注入, 使入轨
[医] 注射

v. give an injection to
v. to introduce (a new aspect or element)
v. force or drive (a fluid or gas) into by piercing
v. take by injection



She injects whatever I tell her to inject.


when you were injecting the toxin into him, you also injected some of your own cells by mistake.

肯定还不小心抓伤了你自己 你一不小心注射进去了一部分你的细胞

They won't stand there while we inject them.


I injected myself to protect her from him.

我自己注射的 为了保护她

So, it wasn't cortisone she was injecting.


She injected herself into this investigation again and again.

她有意参与调查过程 一次又一次

Only my injections could have done this.


What was in the injection? I don't know.

他们注射了什么 我不知道

If it wasn't injected, it could have been topical.

如果不是注射的 可能是用于涂抹局部

I injected myself. I didn't have a choice.

是我自己注射的 当时我别无选择