
音标/读音 [ig'zempʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 解除, 免除, 免税
[化] 免检

n. immunity from an obligation or duty
n. a deduction allowed to a taxpayer because of his status (having certain dependents or being blind or being over 65 etc.)
n. an act exempting someone



I wanted to talk to you about the exemption.


Those who have visible mutations are exempt.


Do that for me, and you will be exempt from the strictures.

帮我做好了 你就可以免除这些限制

Their deal with the government exempted them from any prosecution.

他们和政府定下的协议 让他们可以免遭刑罚

Lisa, I wanted to talk to you about the exemption.

丽莎 我想和你聊聊免税的事

Yeah, and all that tax exemption, of course.

对 特别是还有税收豁免

I have an exemption when I lived with my grandma, but now I'm out of luck.

我当时跟祖母一起住这里是免税的 但现在不行了

I would encourage you to consider a garden hose exemption.


I've got some serious exemptions I'd like you to take.

我有一些很重要的免税额 希望你可以接受

Actually, a dying declaration is exempt from the hearsay rule.
