
音标/读音 ['gæslait]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 煤气灯光, 煤气灯

n. light yielded by the combustion of illuminating gas



Normalize the transgression, and gaslight her if she brings it up again.

使犯错正常化 如果她再提起这事 就心理*她

No one's ever been hurt by a little gaslighting.


But you guys would rather gaslight science, or flood it.

但你們寧可汽死科學 亦或淹死科學

having a wife who tries to gaslight me into thinking that it is, isn't normal either.

有这样一位妻子试图控制我的思想 让我相信一切正常 也很不正常

Instead of pining for some rural past, he found poetry in the *oke and fog and gaslight.

格里姆肖笔下 不是过去的乡村 相反 他在浓烟 雾霭和煤气灯里发现了诗意

I wish you put as much effort into your grades as you do gaslighting sad * women.

我希望你像费心捉弄一个伤心成年女性一样 用功考个好分数

I'm still the gaslighting, insecure hypocrite who ruined other peoples' lives instead of owning my own shit.

我依然是那個表里不一 自卑的偽君子 寧愿毀掉別人的生活而不是面對自己

but I could get a 6 and secretly turn her into a 9 without her ever knowing it by gaslighting her into fixing her flaws.

但是我可以找个六分的 然后通过诱导 让她不知不觉地改掉毛病 成为一个九分的人

In these engravings, you can feel the gloom and the gaslight, you can hear the mass of hungry children, see the sullen glares of the *s, almost *ell the filth.

在这些版画作品中 你能感受到阴郁和幽暗的煤气灯 听见成群饥饿儿童的无力哭号 看见大人们阴沉愠怒的目光 闻到污浊不堪的空气