
音标/读音 ['breikidʒ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 破坏, 破损处, 破损量
[化] 破裂; 断裂

n. the quantity broken
n. reimbursement for goods damaged while in transit or in use
n. the act of breaking something



Your breakage is higher than any other bartender.


Because your skull is susceptible to breakage under immense force.

因为你的脑袋 在巨大冲击之下很容易开花

Multiple maldistribution, chromosomal breakage, maldivision of the centromere.

多重染色体破裂 神经质变组

Swelling in that area before the breakage could absolutely account for the hallucinations.

在破裂之前, 那个区域的血流量猛增 完全可以引起幻觉.

Breakage doesn't cover the 1/2 million I owe my connect.


I would expect to see some breakage to some fragments with that transport and I did not see anything like that.

如果是这样 我应该会看到 搬运过程中产生的人骨碎片损伤 但我并未发现类似的情形

Well, the breakage indicates that the door somehow had zero viscoelasticity when it hit the ground.

这种破坏表明了门在 摔到地上的时候完全没有黏弹性

Osteopetrosis makes bones abnormally dense and prone to breakage, which explains her skull fractures.

骨硬化病会令骨头 密度异常大 容易骨折 这就解释了她的颅骨骨折