
音标/读音 [wiә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 堰, 鱼梁
[化] 堰

n. a low dam built across a stream to raise its level or divert its flow
n. a fence or wattle built across a stream to catch or retain fish



this is weir.we have a security breach.


"as it did by certain dams, which were called weirs.


dr. weir,i need to speak to you immediately.


I think you've already spoken to doc weir.


despite what you may think of my intentions,dr. weir, i'm not your enemy.

不管你怎么猜测我的意图,Weir博士 我不是你的敌人

dr. weir,the hive ships are emerging from hyperspace we're on our way.

Weir博士,幽灵的母舰 从超空间出来了 我们来了

Back in the 1970s, ten soldiers on exercise drowned when their boat went over the weir.

早在19世纪70年代 有十名士兵在锻炼时 因船只被冲下大坝而溺亡

Made his nephew look like a cherub even though he'd been a fortnight in the weir.

把他侄子化装成天使模样 他侄子可是在河浜里死了两个礼拜

Charlie returns to filming the mother mallard and her family, who are now trying to get back up the weir.

于是回去拍摄野鸭妈妈一家 它们正要返回坝上

Back near the house, the kingfishers are still deciding whether to use the artificial nest box in the bank opposite the weir.

房子那边 翠鸟仍在犹豫 是否要下榻于坝对面河岸里的人工巢箱