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◎ 单词释义

[计] 分块, 分割, 分区, 划分
[化] 分隔

n an analysis into mutually exclusive categories
n the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart
v divide into parts, pieces, or sections
v separate or apportion into sections



It was disgusting. I had to raise the partition.

真恶心 我不得不把豪车的隔板升起来挡住他

That wasn't the driver, that was the glass partition.

那不是司机 那是玻璃隔板

This is the actual partition from the cab in question.


The data exists on a passwordprotected partition.


I found an encrypted partition and check out what's on it.

我找到一个加密的分区 看看里面有什么

The data memory core is partitioning itself.


The only glimpse you'll have of these guys is behind a glass partition.

以后只能从玻璃隔板后面 看一看你的孩子们

I'm just partitioning the area with a distributed algorithm.


It's a shadow drive. It was partitioned from the primary hard drive.

一个隐藏分区 从主盘上分出来的

Yeah, you mean they hit something and you slam into that plastic partition.

是啊 车可能撞到了什么 然后他人撞上了塑料隔板