
音标/读音 ['hʌnisʌkl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 忍冬, 杜鹃花

n. shrub or vine of the genus Lonicera
n. shrubby tree with silky foliage and spikes of cylindrical yellow nectarous flowers



the *ell of honeysuckle all along that street.


The first thing is your star ingredient, honeysuckle.

首先加入主要材料 金银花

So they need to be put to a decision: the sweet *ell of honeysuckle.

他们需要选择 是要金银花的甜蜜气味

I'm transforming a cup of honeysuckle flowers into a floral edible treat.

我要把一杯量的金银花 变成可食用的植物药方

Honeysuckle contains saponins and flavonoids which are antiinflammatory. I'm combining these with ja*ine, which also has antiinflammatory effects.

金银花蕴含皂苷和黄酮类 具有消炎功效 将其与 同样有消炎功效的茉莉花混合

In my old house, where we lived when I was little, the air is so thick with honeysuckle and azaleas you could almost wrap yourself up in it.

在我小时候住过的那栋老房子里 空气中弥漫着忍冬花和杜鹃花的香气 你甚至可以用这些香气把自己包裹起来

But the honeysuckle and the ja*ine actually started to take effect and brought down the inflammation and helped cure the sore throat.

但是金银花和茉莉花确实有效 缓解了炎症有助于治疗喉咙痛

This is honeysuckle lonicera, and I think a lot of people will know it as a popular garden plant, but they might be surprised to know it's also a medicinal plant.

这是金银花 我想许多人 都知道这是一种常见的园艺植物 但它作为药用植物 却非人们所熟知的

Next time, I'll be transforming petals into honeysuckle jellies to soothe sore throats, creating a luxurious bath milk from camomile, getting rid of waxy ears with a common wild flower, and getting in touch with my feminine side with a rosescented hair removing syrup.

下次的节目里 我会 用花瓣制作忍冬软糖来缓解咽喉肿痛 用甘菊完成一次奢华的牛奶浴 用一种常见的野花让你的耳朵不再苍白 并且制作玫瑰味的脱毛糖浆 向大家展示我女性一样柔美一面