
音标/读音 [,rekәnsili'eiʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 和解, 和好, 复交, 调解, 调停, 和谐, 一致, 甘愿, 顺从
[经] (银行往来)调节, 调和, 一致

n. the reestablishing of cordial relations
n. getting two things to correspond



There can be no reconciliation between me and my brothers.


Not at all. I'm offering you friendship and reconciliation.

完全不是,我向你提供的可是友谊 还有和解

That handgun of yours is a barrier to a civilized conversation, to reconciliation.

你的手枪是 进行文明对话与和解的障碍

As the adversaries have refused a reconciliation, we shall proceed.

既然敌对双方拒绝和解 那我们就继续决斗

Brother, if you desire any kind of reconciliation with me, stay your hand.

弟弟 如果你期盼任何与我和好的机会 就此罢手

The altar, for the whole church, all this, is very much an act of reconciliation.

圣坛 教堂 这一切的重建 更像是一次战后和解措施

It spoke of reconciliation, of all things now becoming possible.

它代表着一切的和解 如今成为可能

I regret ever coming to this place with the assumption that a reconciliation could be found.

我后悔来到这里 臆想能与你们握手言和

She said that you and her had had your problems, but as a gesture of reconciliation, she wanted to give you this lemur.

她说你们母女之间有些问题 但为了和解 她想把这只狐猴留给你

Well, it was difficult, but my careful diplomacy led them to a full reconciliation.

真是太难了 但我的谨慎外交 让他们彻底和解了