
音标/读音 ['sti:li]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 钢的, 钢制的, 钢铁般的

s. resembling steel as in hardness
s. resembling steel in hardness



Under that steely disciplinarian, there's a real human being there.

在严格纪律信奉者的外表下 藏着一个有真情实感的人

I really admire your commitment and steely resolve, but I wish you didn't have any of it.

我很欣赏你的献身精神和钢铁决心 但我希望你没有

I'm saying something's changed in those steely blue eyes of hers.


When I opened my eyes, I was like this, ice cold and steely hard.

等我睁开眼睛时 我就成了这样 像冰一样冷 像钢铁一样坚硬

It's the same bravado, the steely eyes, the conquests, the wall around the heart.

同样逞强 冷冰冰的双眼 征服 心墙

You can clam up, give me that steely gaze every time I ask you a question.

你可以拒不开口 可以每次提问都给我一个冰冷的眼神

Like pretending that my bereft girlfriend had found comfort in the strong, steely arms of my best bud.

比如假装我的女友在我最好的哥们 强壮有力的臂膀里寻求到了安慰