
音标/读音 ['flintlɒk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 燧石发火装置, 燧发机, 明火枪

n. a muzzle loader that had a flintlock type of gunlock
n. an obsolete gunlock that has flint embedded in the hammer; the flint makes a spark that ignites the charge



A flintlock pistol, which would leave a very large entry wound.

燧发枪会 让人大面积受伤

That you murdered two men, one with a 14thcentury broadsword, and the other with a flintlock pistol.

你杀了两个男人 一个是用14世纪时的大砍刀 另一个是用燧发枪

You know, the flintlock pistol took over a minute to reload, and its accuracy was only 15 feet.

其实那把燧发枪重新装弹很慢 而且精准射程不到五米