
音标/读音 ['leip\\:sәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 外行

n someone who is not a clergyman or a professional person



Sorry, my dear, it's a bit ghoulish to the layperson.

不好意思 亲爱的 对外行人来说有点吓人吧

Over here, you've got accounts payable bills, to the layperson and over here is the schedule.

这边是"应付账款" 外行人称之为"账单" 这边是时间安排表

Panic attack can look a lot like a heart attack to a layperson.

对外行人来说 恐慌发作和心梗有些像

An action star is tough, confident, unfazed by minor details that disrupt the average layperson.

一个动作明星应当坚韧 自信 有的小细节能扰乱平常人 但他们却不为所动

And I know that a true action hero isisis tough, is confident, and they're unfazed by the minor details that disrupt your average layperson.

我知道一个真正的动作英雄 应当坚韧 自信 有的小细节能扰乱平常人 但他们却不为所动