
音标/读音 [.әuvә'hæŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 突出部份, 悬垂部份
vt. 悬于...之上, (危险等)逼近
vi. 悬垂, 逼近

n. projection that extends beyond or hangs over something else
v. project over
v. be suspended over or hang over



That truck backs up all the way into the overhang.


That's quite the overhanging branch into our yard.


She's, uhshe's feeling like she cannot mourn for her loss while all of this is overhanging.

她觉得在一切尘埃落定之前 她都不能表达哀思

The large overhang on the bank means it'll be very difficult for predators such as rats to get them here.

河岸的高土墙能有效地防止 诸如老鼠等掠食动物的侵扰