
音标/读音 [brik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 砖块, 积木
a. 用砖做的
vt. 用砖造, 用砖砌

n. rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or in a kiln; used as a building or paving material
n. a good fellow; helpful and trustworthy



I'm di*antling who I was and moving it brick by brick.

我要一砖一瓦地拆卸 抹掉我这个人

He wears brick clothes and has a brick face and if you don't believe in him, he stabs you in the neck repeatedly with his brick knife.

他穿着板砖做的衣服 长着一张板砖脸 如果你不相信他的存在 他会用他的板砖刀不断地*的脖子

If I have my way, I'll pull the damn thing down brick by brick.


His world view is meticulously constructed brick by brick.


A guy who built a billiondollar empire, brick by brick.


Yeah, I don't care if he takes their house apart brick by brick.

他就是要一砖一砖拆了他们的房子 我也不在乎

You put her in that tower, and I will scale it brick by brick if that's what it takes.

你将她关进高塔 如果必须如此 我一砖一砖也要把塔夷平

Brick by brick, we'll tear that building down until there's nothing left but a hole in the ground.

咱们一点一点地来 直到大厦倾颓的那一天

We'd all made a pact together to change the world from the ground up, brick by brick.

那时我们一起决定要从头开始 一步一步地改变世界

Okay, your job is to take this messy pile of bricks over here and turn it into a neat stack of bricks on the pallet over there.

好的 你的工作就是把这些乱七八糟的砖块 搬到那边 在木架上码放整齐