
音标/读音 [ә'keiʒәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 场合, 时机, 机会, 诱因, 理由
vt. 惹起, 引起

n. reason
n. the time of a particular event
n. an opportunity to do something
v. give occasion to



We die on occasion, we get cancer on occasion.

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But, you know, llet's just not rise to the occasion when there's no occasion.

但是 我們不要多此一舉 主動去提這個事情

'on every special occasion, you make a wish.' and that comet, that's a special occasion.

遇到特别场合的时候 你可以许个愿 现在天上的那颗流星 就是一个特别场合

No, this is a special occasion for me.

没有 对我来说这是个特殊场合

But he could, on occasion, predict it.


It was my night. It was my occasion.

那是属于我的夜晚 我是主角

It should be an occasion for understanding.


Only on those occasions which I have mentioned.


They have been trained for such occasions.

应对这种场合 她们训练有素

On any other occasion, I'd be thrilled.

要是换了其他时候 我肯定兴奋死了