
音标/读音 ['tæbi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 平纹, 斑猫
vt. 使起波纹
a. 平纹组织的, 起波纹的

n. a cat with a grey or tawny coat mottled with black
n. female cat



I could tell from the start that this tabby was trouble.


Well, some of the tabbies have been doubting I actually have a hu*and.

有些长舌妇 一直怀疑我是不是真有丈夫

Tabby, I'm gonna find a way to get back to the old me.

塔比 我会想办法恢复到从前的样子

He remembers where his food bowl is, what time the sexy tabby next door is basking on the patio.

他记得自己的猫粮碗在哪里 隔壁的性感小班猫什么时候会来门廊挠门