
音标/读音 ['indәlәnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 懒惰的, 无痛的
[医] 无痛的

s. (of tumors, e.g.) slow to heal or develop and usually painless



Yes, our handsome ‭but indolent mutual friend.

没错 我们帅气怠惰的共同好友

Skatole, indole and a few other substances under your nose and it should go away.

粪臭素和吲哚 还有点别的物质 一闻到马上就没有了

It is a highlymotivating spectacle for the indolent, let alone the mutinous.

对于懒人来说 这是高度激励人的场面 更不用说那些叛变者了

So, what to do placate them, flatter them, feed them until they're fat and indolent, and forget that they're monsters.

那怎么办呢 只能安抚他们 讨好他们 喂养他们 直到他们变得又胖又懒 忘了他们自己是怪物

These men, thethese loafer paupers, they are the lazy, the indolent, the residual.

这些流浪汉 乞丐 他们懒散 好逸恶劳 是渣滓