

音标/读音 [.sɑ:kɒi'dәusis]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 肉状瘤病, 类肉状瘤病
[医] 肉样瘤病, 类肉瘤病

n. a chronic disease of unknown cause marked by the formation of nodules in the lungs and liver and lymph glands and salivary glands



So my patient, we were right. It was sarcoidosis.

我的病人 我们是对的 是肉状瘤病

So I'm thinking either lymphoma or sarcoidosis.


Only explanation is, this kid's got anthrax and sarcoidosis.

唯一合理的解释 这个孩子同时得了炭疽病和肉瘤

Keep him on antibiotics for the anthrax, and start the methotrexate for the sarcoidosis.

继续使用抗生素对付炭疽 再加上治疗肉瘤的甲氨蝶呤

We ran some tests and the results point toward sarcoidosis.


And sarcoidosis is almost impossible to diagnose, which is why it should always be kept on the differential.

但结节病几乎没可能诊断出来 所以它总是在可能选项里