
音标/读音 [spʌd]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 除草铲, 剥树皮用的铲刀, 马铃薯
vt. 用除草铲挖掘

n. a sharp hand shovel for digging out roots and weeds
v. initiate drilling operations, as for petroleum



Do you know your spuds? I hope so.

你了解土豆吗 我想是的

It's served with boiled spuds and mashed cabbage.


Unfortunately, the supermodels of the spud world are no use to me.

不幸的是 土豆界的超模 对我来说用处不大

Spud, throw a couple more apples in the caramel.

小土豆 再往焦糖里扔几个苹果

Maybe it's because the spuds have eyes and have been watching us.

或许是因为土豆上的芽眼 一直在监视我们

So we're going to the spud state to investigate a kidnapping.

所以我们得前往该基地 调查此事

Spuds' goat. I sent her into the cave and I, I blew her up.

斯伯兹的山羊 我把她送进山洞里了 然后我 把她给炸了

I've got the two types of spuds here, so if you can peel that lot.

我这里有两种土豆 如果你能削更多就更好了

Last time I saw you, you were a toothless spud sitting in your own poop.

我上次见你的时候你还是个没牙的小毛孩 坐在自己的大便上

It's chops and spuds for breakfast every day now, old man.

以后早餐都要吃排骨和土豆了 伙计