
音标/读音 [.di:pɑ:t'mentәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 部门的, 各部的, 分科的

a. of or relating to a department



No, you mustn't be late for the departmental committee.

不行 你去部门委员会可不能迟到

Well, you clearly missed the departmental memo.


If you're here to talk departmental budgets, you can save your breath.

你要是来谈部门预算 还是免开尊口吧

It made no sense, and I have a departmental meeting in seven minutes.

根本不知所谓 我7分钟后还有个部门会议要开

But departmental policy prevents you from accepting diamond tennis bracelets.

但局里的政策规定 你不能随便收钻石手链

Sure. I've nothing better to do besides departmental meetings and budget reports.

是啊 除了部门会议和预算报告 我没什么事可做

Oh, and, uh, before your official reinstatement, you have 30 hours mandated departmental counseling.

还有 在你正式复职之前 你必须要接受三十个小时的部门心理咨询

Um, during your rehabilitation, certain management changes were made, unavoidable departmental reorganizations.

在你康复的这段时间 发生了一些管理层面的变动 不可避免的部门改组

Since you got this state detail, you'll keep working on that as a special investigator, but right now you're on departmental leave pending investigation.

因为你现在还负责州警局的特别任务 所以你依然是特别调查员 但现在你要暂时离职接受调查