
音标/读音 ['keiswә:k]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 社会工作

n. close sociological study of a maladjusted person or family for diagnosis and treatment



Think if it were to happen here and you were the caseworker.


Go to her caseworker, explain her situation.

去找一下她的案子经办人 解释一下她的情况

They're gonna assign you a new caseworker.


She's been our caseworker the last couple of years.


I mean, you were talking about taking her off casework because she's tired.

你因为她累了 把她调离调查工作

The truth is, you could benefit from absorbing an account of our casework.

事实上 你去读一份 关于我们办案的叙述 确实能从中获益

My caseworker says maybe you should be paying for my meds.

接待我的那个人说 或许你该负担我的医药费

My caseworker thinks I haven't been sober long enough.


The caseworkers are just doing what they're supposed to do, protecting the child in question.

专员只是在履行他们的职责 保护遇到麻烦的孩子

Consult with your assigned caseworker to find the best match for your skills.

请咨询你所分配到的社工 找到最适合你技能的工作