
音标/读音 ['fʌkiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 该死的, 难完成的, 难做的, 低劣的, 讨厌的, 丑恶的, 混乱的, 乱糟糟的

r. intensifier, very colloquial



Fuck, *, *, *, *, *, *.

该死 该死 该死...

I *ed up. I *ed up. I *ed up. I *ed up.

我完蛋了 完蛋了 完蛋了

So they're *ing me, by default I'm *ing you, and we're all *ing *ed.

现在就是他们在搞我 毫无疑问我也得搞你 于是我们的一切就都被搞砸了

Who he *s, when he *s, what he *s, I'm in charge.

他操谁 什么时候操 操什么 都归我管

I need you to * the * off, you *.

我需要你*的滚远点 *

Fuck you, * you, and especially * you.

* 再* 最后特别*

If they * with you, they * with me.

如果他们搞了你 紧接着就会搞我的

Don't * with me. I'm not *ing with you.

别试探我 我没想试探你

Then I wanna know how the * this happened, when the *, why the *, and what the *ing *, and then tell her that he's dead.

那我想知道他们怎么勾搭到一起了 以及出轨的时间 原因 全过程 然后我会跟她说他已经死了

Oh, *, oh, *, oh, *, oh, *, oh, *.

* *了 我真*操了