
音标/读音 [fʌz]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 细毛, 绒毛, 警察
vi. 作绒毛状飞散, 变成绒毛状
vt. 起毛, 使模糊

n. the first beard of an adolescent boy



The fuzz is here. I figured you'd want to know.

警察来了 我觉得你想知道这情况

You know what? we're just gonna have to fuzz him out.

你不知道 我不想让他知道

I didn't have peach fuzz over my pecker at the time.


Fuzz looks good on a peach, not a man.

有绒毛的桃子很漂亮 人可不是桃子

We're not leaving until we find evidence we can take to the fuzz.

在找到证据交给警察前 我们不能走

I think you have something with your dandelion fuzz, but my son won't work with you.

我觉得你的"蒲公英"运货法还不错 但我儿子不愿跟你合作

Now look at you shaving your little peach fuzz.

一转眼 你都会像模像样地刮胡子了

I'll hit you so hard, it knocks the new peach fuzz off of your danglers.

看我不把你揍得 连裤裆里的毛都掉下来

Can't ever remember how many clicks through fuzz it takes to get to the channel.

总是记不住要按多少下 才能按到正常频道

You treat people like trash, the fuzz gon' find yo' ass.

你待人像垃圾 乱七八糟的事自然找上你