
音标/读音 ['i:ziә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 更简单;较早的;容易些(easy的比较级形式)

a posing no difficulty; requiring little effort
s not hurried or forced
a free from worry or anxiety
s affording pleasure
s having little impact
s readily exploited or tricked
s in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich
s marked by moderate steepness
s affording comfort
s casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior
s less in demand and therefore readily obtainable
s obtained with little effort or sacrifice, often obtained illegally



Betrayal gets easier and easier and easier.

一旦有了背叛 就会越走越远

It got easier and easier to think of him as dead.

于是越来越容易 当他已经死了

Well, from a surgical standpoint, it's easier, much easier, to make it into a girl.

从外科的角度来讲 做成女孩是再容易不过的了

It can make messages easier to deliver, and difficult things easier to say.

它能让信息的传递更简单 让那些难以启齿的事更容易说出来

Because our reputation precedes us, and deals like this are just gonna get easier and easier.

因为我们的名声已经传开了 这样的生意只会越来越轻松

It turns out that it's easier in this universe to encrypt information, much easier, than it is to decrypt it if you're someone watching from the outside.

我们发现在这个宇宙中 加密信息比解密信息要简单得多 如果你是个来自外界的监视人的话

I wish I could tell you that it that it gets easier, that with time, it hurts less, but that would be a lie because it it never gets easier.

我真希望可以跟你说 会越来越轻松 随着时间推移 会不那么痛苦 但那是谎言 因为 不会轻松起来

But you should have. It would have been easier that way.

但你应该死 这样一来事情就容易多了

Easier than it is for me, because you chose it and I didn't.

总比我好一点吧 因为这是你选择的 又不是我选择的

It would have been easier if you'd died.
