
音标/读音 [,kajntәrin'tju:itiv]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 违反直觉的

s. contrary to what common sense would suggest



I know it's counterintuitive, but trust me on that.

我知道这反直觉 但是相信我

I know it's counterintuitive, but that's the point.

我知道听起来完全背道而驰 但确实如此

That's counterintuitive, but that just might work.

有点不合套路 但没准还真能管用

It's completely counterintuitive compared to what most cities do.


It's completely counterintuitive and simply doesn't make sense.

这完全违反我们的直觉 而且也说不通

This sighting is counterintuitive to everything we know about its behavior.

这种现象与我们 对其所有行为的了解背道而驰

No matter how counterintuitive to traditional political thinking.

无论这些决策是否 与传统*思维相左

When you run into an obstacle you can't overcome, you try a counterintuitive approach.

如果你遭遇了無法克服的障礙 你就采取逆向思維的辦法

It's just that the ethic rules for the governor can be quite counterintuitive.

只是关于州长的**准则 其实相当有悖常理

So I know this sounds counterintuitive, but I would advise him to stick to the guilty plea.

所以 我知道這聽起來不可思議 但我會建議他堅持原來的認罪答辯