
音标/读音 ['fi:tәs]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 胎儿
[医] 胎, 胎儿

n. an unborn or unhatched vertebrate in the later stages of development showing the main recognizable features of the mature animal



Leaving a fetus in a trash can sadly happens a lot, but when the mother is located, she is always charged with unlawful disposal of a fetus.

把胎儿遗弃在垃圾桶的惨案时有发生 当生母被锁定后 她往往会被指控 非法处置胎儿

There was a fetus, and it's not human.

之前确实有个胎儿 而且不是人类

You appear to have a very healthy fetus.


It's a healthy uterus, but there's no fetus there.

这是个健康的子宫 但是里面没有胎儿

It's been so long, I have the tolerance of a fetus.

已经长大很久了 我能受得了生小孩了

Shark fetuses cannibalize each other in utero.


And she does not know what carbs are yet because she's a fetus.

她现在还不知道什么是碳水化合物 因为她是个胎儿

I can't believe it's been four months and no fetus.

没想到已经四个月了 还没有出现胚胎

I'm sorry, but the fetus is no longer alive.

我很抱歉 但胎儿已经死亡

Because the ultrasound determines the size of the fetus.
