
音标/读音 ['bærәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 桶
vt. 装入桶内

n. a tube through which a bullet travels when a gun is fired
n. a cylindrical container that holds liquids
n. a bulging cylindrical shape; hollow with flat ends
n. the quantity that a barrel (of any size) will hold



Well, barrels are casks, but not all casks are barrels.

美国标准桶就是橡木桶 但反之就未必了

We're getting less out of a 30foot barrel than I was out of a 6foot barrel.

九米长管道的出速度 比1.8米长的还要低

So, ten of us pulled the heist, and for the last five years, we've been selling off the syrup barrel by barrel.

于是我们十个搞了抢劫 在过去五年中 我们一桶接一桶地出手糖浆

Because you kind of have me over a barrel here.


These are the same barrels from the marina.


That's the barrel. It doesn't fit there.

那是枪管 不是往那装的

And I shouldn't have come at you with both barrels.


barreled out of the elevator as I was leaving.


I know where these barrels came from.


I'm very, very fun. I'm a barrel of laughs.

我非常有趣 简直是开心果