
音标/读音 ['ɑ:ftәwәdz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 然后, 后来

r happening at a time subsequent to a reference time



Afterwards, I wasn't disgusted with him or myself.

之后 我没有厌恶他或者自己

and then afterwards, you take him out.

等一切搞定 你就把他干掉

Afterwards, I did something to her, too.

然后 我还对她做了一些事

And afterwards, I hung out with all of them.

后来 我还跟他们出去玩了

Afterwards, I treated myself to a steak.

然后 我给自己来了块牛排

Yeah, I was with her right afterwards.

事发之后 我就跟她在一块

I rang him afterwards, but he didn't answer.

后来我给他打过电话 但他没接

We're not gonna be paying for those afterwards.


But afterwards, I'd like to hear all about you.

但之后 我要听听你们的事

I'll be in touch afterwards for the debrief.
