
音标/读音 ['stæminә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 精力, 活力, 耐力, 雄蕊
[医] 耐力, 精力; 雄蕊

n. enduring strength and energy



Frankly, I don't think you have the stamina.

老实说 我觉得你没这份精力

I don't know if the president has the stamina to do what's necessary.

我不清楚 总统是否有做该做之事的决心

I am mindful of the mood and the stamina of this jury.


Our problem is wives have more stamina than us.

我们的问题是 老婆们比我们有毅力

Your hu*and's strength and stamina would have been most helpful.

你丈夫的力量和精力 本来会非常有帮助

You've got a lot of stamina for a 75yearold.

你这个七十五岁的人 耐力还真不错

We showed a lot of stamina and strength in there.


But to impress her, he has to prove he has stamina equal to her own.

但是为了赢得芳心 雄龟必须证明 自己的耐力比得上雌龟

Not just a test of strength but stamina.

不只是靠力量 还有耐力

You know, your stamina? I don't know why I done that.

明白吗 耐力 我也没懂*吗费这劲