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◎ 单词释义

n. 宇宙哲学, 宇宙论
[电] 宇宙论

n. the metaphysical study of the origin and nature of the universe
n. the branch of astrophysics that studies the origin and evolution and structure of the universe



We sometimes forget that space is co*ologically big.

我们时常会忘记 太空有宇宙那么大

This was a real enigma for the standard big bang co*ology.

这是一个真正的谜题 对与标准的大爆炸理论来说

I was constructing an invariant measure of the phase space of co*ological spacetimes.

我在构造宇宙时空相宇的 不变量测量

The theory of co*ological inflation actually produces an infinite universe.

宇宙膨胀理论推导出一个 无限的宇宙

It will take infrared pictures to probe the biggest co*ological questions.

它将拍摄红外线图片 以探究宇宙学最重要的问题

It's baffling and it's mind bending but that's where our road of co*ology has taken us, to this confrontation with real infinity.

这可能让人疑惑万分 但这就是我们的宇宙学能带给我们的 : 直面这个无穷的宇宙

No matter how much I study the field of co*ology and think about this, it still makes no sense to me that the universe is infinite.

无论我研究了多少关于 宇宙起源的东西 当想起这个时 我都坚持认为 宇宙不是无限的

Scientists are still looking for proof of gravitational waves, but if found, it will be a major step forward in co*ology.

科学家们仍在寻找引力波的证据 一旦发现 它将成为宇宙学的一次重大飞跃

The 21stcentury renaissance in telescope construction will answer the greatest questions in co*ology, and pose new ones.

二十一世纪望远镜建造业的复兴 将会解答宇宙学上最伟大的问题 并书写新篇章

No matter how much I study the field of co*ology and think about this, it still makes no sense to me that the universe is infinite and always has been infinite.

无论我怎么研究 宇宙学 可我还是无法接受 宇宙是无限的 而且必须是无限的 这个说法