
音标/读音 ['braini]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 盐水似的, 海水似的, 咸的
[机] 含盐度

n any very large body of (salt) water
s slightly salty (especially from containing a mixture of seawater and fresh water)



They're plump and briny, like my dream dates.

又饱满又咸湿 跟我的梦中情人一样

I must say, she has made navigating the choppy briny of citizenship a far more bearable undertaking.

我必须得说 她令我 航行至美国公民的波涛汹涌之路更加坦荡了

Caspian's heart cracked open like one of his father's briny lobster traps.

凯斯宾的心脏好似被劈成两半 就像他爸爸放在海边的龙虾陷阱

It was something you could hear, like a rumble, that you could dive into and let it carry you away a million gallons a minute in a briny wet spray on the hottest day in the history of forever.

它隆隆作响 它是赤日炎炎之时 你一跃而入 任其裹挟 卷向远方的磅礴海流