
音标/读音 [ˈmenstru:ˌeɪtɪŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

v. 行经, 月经来潮( menstruate的现在分词 )

v undergo menstruation



It didn't matter if we were menstruating.


Menstruation is science, nothing to do with the moon.


Right, you were the one menstruating during her routine.

对 你就是轮到试演时来例假的那一个

Menstruation is a natural and a wonderful part of being a woman.

月經是作為女人非常自然 非常美妙的一部分

My stomach cramps up so much I feel like I'm menstruating.


Violent dreams are a direct result of menstruation in young women.


We want your men to grow breasts, wider hips, and eventually menstruate.

我们想让你们的男人 有胸有* 甚至来例假

It's like that time you tried to get out of peewee football by saying you were menstruating.

就像那次你不想玩儿童橄榄球 你找借口说你来月经了

It says here some women don't menstruate till they're 25 due to the chemicals in our water.

这上面说有些女人到25岁才来月经 原因是饮用水中含有化学成分

These durable, reusable plastic menstruation capture cups are a onetime expenditure for your women's facility.

这些耐用的 可重复利用的塑料月经杯 只需一次购买 专为女子监狱制造