
音标/读音 [ˈtaɪmlaɪn]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 时间轴, 时间表

n. a sequence of related events arranged in chronological order and displayed along a line (usually drawn left to right or top to bottom)



In these rooms, we monitor the entire timeline and report any anomalies we see along the way, keeping the correct timeline at all times.

在这几间房间里 我们时刻关注整条时间线 将我们看到的任何异常现象进行汇报 时刻保持最精准的时间线

Now, the thing is that if space is being twisted strongly enough, then what's going to happen is that this timeline, this linear timeline, is going to twist it into a loop.

现在的情况是 如果空间的扭曲足够强烈 那么就会发生一种情况 这一条时间线 这条线性的时间线就会扭曲成一个圈

Yeah, and there's a timeline here, too.

是啊 但这件事也挺急的

So he's something to do with your timeline.


It should have been to fit in with the timeline, but, no, it wasn't.

按照时间线来说应该是在那 但其实不是

We cannot be seen by ourselves in this timeline.


I didn't have a sister in my timeline.


We're working up a timeline for her death.


No, no we're hopping timelines magically.

不不 我们魔法般的在跳跃时间线

Try to make a timeline who's where when.

做个时间表 记录每个人在何时何地做什么