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◎ 单词释义

n. 马基高(高尔夫球品牌);麦基嘉(芬兰公司名)

n. Scottish clan leader and outlaw who was the subject of a 1817 novel by Sir Walter Scott (1671-1734)



People with macgregor's are extremely rare, and people with macgregor's and a degree in computer science are even more rare.

患麦克格瑞格综合症的人极少 患有此综合症 有计算机学位的人更少见

Macgregor's syndrome. It's a genetic defect that creates fluid buildup in the lungs, which leads to oxygen deprivation and multi system organ failure.

麦克格瑞格综合症 这是一种遗传缺失 会在肺部积水 导致缺氧和多器官衰竭