
音标/读音 [.silu:'et]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 黑色半身侧面影, 影子, 轮廓, 剪影
vt. 描绘...成侧面影, 使照出影子来, 使仅仅显出轮廓

n. an outline of a solid object (as cast by its shadow)
n. a drawing of the outline of an object; filled in with some uniform color
v. project on a background, such as a screen, like a silhouette
v. represent by a silhouette



That silhouette, and the image of the deerstalker.

那个侧影 戴着猎鹿帽的形象

It's kind of a different silhouette for me.


I hate my silhouette because it's empty.

我讨厌我的旅行箱 因为它还是空的

You need an outfit that accentuates your silhouette.


I saw the photo. I recognized your silhouette.

我看见了照片 认出了你的轮廓

I see his silhouette as he trudges down the stairs.


like, like a silhouette where a face should have been, and... and... leaves.

就像是一段剪影 一张脸的轮廓 或者 树叶

This is a silhouette of an airborne predator, like a hawk.


Algie went on and on about how pretty you were, but he didn't do your silhouette justice.

阿尔吉老说你很美 但他没说你身材其实这么好

The color clashes with your skin tone, the silhouette is confused.

这颜色与你的肤色不搭 这造型模糊了你的身材轮廓