
音标/读音 ['blaindfәuld]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 眼罩, 障眼物
vt. 遮眼, 蒙骗
a. 看不清的, 盲目的

n. a cloth used to cover the eyes
v. cover the eyes of (someone) to prevent him from seeing
s. wearing a blindfold



Do you want the blindfold? I piss on your blindfold.

你们想要眼罩吗 去*的眼罩

I was in the car. I was blindfolded.

我在车里 眼睛被蒙上了

Some of them I blindfolded, and some I I ducttaped.

我给一些人蒙上了眼睛 还有一些用胶带封住了嘴

You don't have to put your blindfold on. I'll do it for you.

你们不非得戴上眼罩 我可以给你们戴

Dad's here. I have to blindfold you.

爸爸在 我要遮住你的眼睛

What were you doing? I was *ing blindfolded.

你在干什么 我*蒙眼了

I could change a diaper blindfolded if I had to.

如果有必要 闭着眼我都能换好尿布

I thought you said they blindfolded you.


They're blindfolds for the guys. It's a bris.

男人用的遮眼布 割礼上用的

The blindfold I found in your house, it was yours.

我在你房间里发现的眼罩 是你的