
音标/读音 [nɒʃ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 小吃, 点心
v. 吃点心

n. (Yiddish) a snack or light meal
v. eat a snack; eat lightly



I don't know, I've never eaten a nosh.

不知道啊 我没吃过纳西

Uh, no, a nosh isn't a thing, it's a... never mind.

不是啦 纳西不是食物 是... 算啦

We kind of overslept, haven't gotten our nosh on yet.

我们睡过头了 还没有吃早饭

Allows me to get my nosh on without all those bubbles in my bowels.

能让我继续享受美味 却不会让我的肠胃咕噜咕噜

Listen, I could use some fresh air and something to nosh on.

听着 我想透透气 吃点东西

We went for some swanky nosh, then I slipped them to her in the back of a rickshaw.

我们吃了点时髦的小吃 我在出租车后座上把照片塞给她

And whilst it's eating its own shit babies, it shits them out again and then it noshes 'em.

它一边吃屎崽 一边重新拉出来 然后又吃下去

Maybe we could get together sometime in your office for a nosh or a consultation maybe.

或许我们可以抽个空去你的办公室里小聚 吃点小吃 或会诊什么的