
音标/读音 [.ʌn'sәuld]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 未售出的
[经] 未售出的

a. not disposed of by purchase



You know what? I have a bunch of unsold ones in my car.

哦 我车里有一堆没卖出去的

No, I have 14 unsold pilots and 26 treatments.

不行 我有14份没卖出去的试播集和26个待讨论剧本

Legend says they're burying all the unsold copies in the desert.


Yeah, every summer, we get all their unsold sweatshirts and jerseys and socks.

捐了 每年夏天都捐 他们卖剩下的运动衫针织衫短袜

If anyone sees this you'll be burned along with last season's unsold collections.

如果你给别人看了 我会把你 和那些卖不出去的过季旧衣服一起烧掉

And so I began my travels, with little more than a compass, a yearning for adventure, and several crates full of unsold muffs.

所以我仅仅带着 指南针和对冒险的渴望 还有好几箱没卖掉的暖手筒 踏上了旅程