
音标/读音 ['krækdaun]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 制裁, 镇压, 痛击

n. severely repressive actions



There was a crackdown. I heard about it in advance.


There was a huge crackdown on these places after 9/11.


This unverified footage is thought to show protests and a government crackdown.

据称这段未经证实的录像展示的是 *和政府*的情景

And I'm sorry, it's unfortunate, but we need a police crackdown on begging and vagrancy.

我很抱歉 但很不幸 我们需要警方去打击乞讨和流浪

Preparing for the crackdown the government had ordered the closure of banks, schools and government offices.

为准备* 政府勒令关闭银行 学校以及政府机关

The crackdown on prescription drug trafficking means stealing from hospitals is now a federal offense.

对处方药非法交易的打击意味着 从医院里偷窃是触犯联邦法律的

And now this crackdown from on high means that every time we find a new landing place, we're met by gaugers and military.

而这由上而下的* 意味着每次我们找到新的登陆点 都会遭遇收税官和部队

The president has declared a mandatory dusktodawn curfew after the crackdown by the national guard failed to prevent a third night of looting across the country.

因为国民警卫队的严厉打击都未能 阻止连续三晚的全国性的抢劫 总统宣布从黄昏到黎明强制性宵禁