
音标/读音 ['ælәdʒist]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 过敏症专科医生

n. a physician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies



We'll also set you up with an allergist.


I just got off the phone with the allergist.


Two weeks ago, at your allergist's office.

两周前 在你过敏症医生的办公室

I've seen dozens of doctors, dermatologists, allergists.

看过好多医生 皮肤科专家 过敏科专家

I do recommend you see an allergist to figure out what you were sensitive to.

我推荐你去看一位过敏症专科专家 找出你的过敏源

They, uh, play it on a loop at my allergist's office.


I saw a lot of different specialists allergists, neurologists.

我看过很多专家 过敏症专家 神经病学家

You'll need to confirm with an allergist, but in the meantime it's best that you stay away from meat.

你还是需要和过敏专科医生确认 但与此同时 你最好还是不要吃肉了

You know I just realized that my allergist keeps the sound off in the waiting room and maybe I can't read the lips.

我刚意识到 我的过敏医生把等待室的声音关了 而我可能不会读唇语