
音标/读音 ['bli:dә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 易出血的人, 血友病患者
[化] 泄放器

n someone who has hemophilia and is subject to uncontrollable bleeding



I'll find the bleeder and clamp it off.

我来找出血点 然后夹住它

Yeah, I've always been a great bleeder.

铁打的营盘 流"血"的兵

Better hope the dude isn't a bleeder.


It's fine as a bleeder. It's nothing I can't handle.

这样的出血没问题 没什么我不能处理的

Careful not to nick me now. I'm a bleeder.

別把我臉割個口子 我傷口很不容易愈合

I have to open him up, find the bleeder and stitch it.

我得给他做手术 找到出血点然后缝合

Gotta find the bleeder. It could be retroperitoneal.

快找到出血点了 可能在腹膜后面

This is pretty extravagant for a late bleeder.

初潮来这么晚 至于这么夸张吗

Um, finished ligating the bleeders, so we're all set up here.

我把出血点结扎了 我们这里都完成了

Okay, I think I've got the last of the bleeders.

好 我找到最后一个出血点了