
音标/读音 ['naidʒәl]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 奈杰尔(男子名)



Nigel, you probably don't know my name.

奈杰儿 你可能不知道我的名字

Nigel is first assistant, here, there and everywhere.

奈杰是第一助理 哪哪都有他

Nigel, it's pretty clear this is another scavenger.

奈杰尔 很明显 这也是一位拾荒者

Nigel, your constituent is accused of betraying her country.

納吉爾 你的選民被起訴於 背叛她的國家

Nigel said we didn't make a meaningful socialmedia impact.


Nigel, if you could chop that onion, just roughly chop it, straight in there.

奈杰尔 帮我切点洋葱 切成大块就好 切完放进锅里

Nigel's hearty mutton pudding is the perfect winter warmer.


Nigel had a big head, a big mouth and *all ideas.

纳吉尔脑袋很大 嘴巴很大 但想法很局限

Nigel steams his mutton pudding in a pan on a hob for four hours.

奈杰尔把羊肉布丁放进锅里 架在灶上蒸了四小时

Nigel, I know I seem like a footballloving badass, but I actually love classical music.

奈杰尔 我知道我看上去像个 爱橄榄球的糙汉 但实际上我热爱古典音乐