
音标/读音 [lɑ:k]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 云雀, 百灵鸟, 欢乐, 嬉耍
vi. 嬉耍, 骑马玩乐
vt. 愚弄

n. any of numerous predominantly Old World birds noted for their singing



And I bought it on a lark, and then I was off to the races.

然后就随便买下了 然后就一发不可收拾

I haven't hurt anyone. It was just a lark.

我沒有傷害任何人 只是玩玩而已

Mind you, she's more like a bat than a lark.


Jenny's up with the lark, but I've always been an owl myself.

珍妮跟百灵鸟一样 但我自己也是夜猫子

I noticed this was a lark's head knot.


And so here I am, happy as a lark to help in any way.

所以我来了 不管怎样 只要我能帮上忙就很高兴

Horses for the sport, race days for the lark.

马留着参加比赛 用来娱乐

I bought in on a lark three years ago.


They just like a harmless lark now and then, do I.

他们只是偶尔开下无伤大雅的玩笑 我也是

Yeah, just six six buddies out on a lark.

对 搞笑的只有这六兄弟