
音标/读音 ['pæsifai]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 使平静, 安慰, 绥靖, 使服从

v. cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of
v. fight violence and try to establish peace in (a location)



No, I am sorry that I can't be there to debate pacifier in person.

不 我才不好意思 我不能当面跟你探讨奶嘴的问题

He stayed with him while he slept and then gave him his pacifier.

他哄孩子睡觉 还给了他奶嘴

Maybe it's about time I got myself a pacifier too.


No bottles on the counters, no pacifiers stuck between cushions.

柜子上不能有奶瓶 沙发垫里不能有奶嘴

It could take months to pacify the island by force.


Addiction an impulse that, once indulged, is impossible to pacify.

一旦放纵上瘾这种冲动 就无法再平静

To pacify the locals, give them false hope.

去安抚乡民 给他们虚假的希望

Opiates that will pacify a nervous horse.


And pacifiers and a diaper genie and a high chair.

还买了奶嘴 尿布除臭垃圾桶和婴童用高脚椅

That's as may be, but I need you to do your job now and pacify them.

也许确实是这样 你还是要做你该做的 安抚他们