
音标/读音 [gæsp]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 喘气
vi. 喘气, 喘息, 渴望
vt. 气喘吁吁地说

n. a short labored intake of breath with the mouth open



Have you ever watched her walk? It's all clop, clop, clop, gasp, gasp.

你见没见过她怎么走路 嘚嘚嘚 上气不接下气

No. It's the last gasp of conscience.

不 那只是他良心上最后的挣扎

You are right to gasp, because you actually are a cripple.

你惊讶很正常 因为你就是个瘸子

I mean, it was the last gasp of apartheid.


When I looked back, she was bleeding and gasping.

我回头看的时候 她已经受伤*奄奄一息了

This is just between us, and please do not gasp.

就你我知道 请不要大喘气

Forever gasping for breath with a mouth that isn't there.


No, don't gasp. I shut it down right away.

别倒抽气 我马上阻止了他

The bravery of this tale will make you gasp.


When he gasped for air he inhaled and died instantaneously.

他吸气时 吸多了毒 即刻死亡