
音标/读音 ['eθnik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 人种的, 种族的
[医] 人种的

n. a person who is a member of an ethnic group



I say we're an ethnic food, and the ethnic is Iowa.

这是民族风味 这个民族就是爱荷华州

It's interesting that the ethnic groups that we can spot today, and we can...we can sort of say one population looks a bit different from another population, that's just a snapshot in the here and now, and those ethnic groupings are different from what they were a few thousand years ago, and they'll keep changing because we humans keep moving and we keep mixing ourselves around.

有趣的是 如今依然存在的少数民族 我们可以说 一个群体相比其他群体 看上去有点不同 这只是此时此刻的一瞥 那些少数民族 与几千年前不同 他们会不断变化 因为我们人类一直在移动 我们不断地互相混杂

or at least ethnicity and an age range.


Ethnic minorities here have really had a tough time of it.


Well, don't just stand there looking ethnic.

别站在那里 一脸外国人样儿

Is a serial killer ‭targeting an ethnic community.


I mean, with all due respect, this this is little too ethnic for me.

恕我直言 这事 对我来说民族性太强了

This town isn't exactly known for its ethnic cuisine.


We're a welcoming city, regardless of ethnicity or orientation.

我们包容欢迎所有人 无论是何种族和性取向

They had no fixed boundaries or singular ethnic identity.

王国之间无国界 也无单一的族群认同