
音标/读音 [mәul]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 痣, 鼹鼠, 防波堤, 摩尔, 克分子
[化] 摩尔

n. spicy sauce often containing chocolate
n. a small congenital pigmented spot on the skin
n. small velvety-furred burrowing mammal having small eyes and fossorial forefeet



It's not a mole mass! It's three moles.

那才不是一堆痣 就3颗痣而已

Rest assured, mole, you'll be dealt with as a mole should be.

放心吧 内奸 你将会被以对待 内奸的方式对待的

If he's looking for a mole, he's not gonna stop until he's got a mole.

如果他在锄内奸 他不逮到一个是不会罢休的

And and and and he had and he had moles.

还有 还有他有 有痣

It's a game where you whack a mole and then another mole pops up.

一个游戏 鼹鼠在哪你打哪 然后又会从别的地方冒出来

These red moles and these yellow moles that I had never even imagined.

有红魔力酱 还有 黄魔力酱 我之前从没想到过

Meanwhile, my sister is stabbing mole holes with an ice pick and while she's pulling the injured moles out of the ground.

同时 我妹妹在用冰镐 戳鼹鼠洞 她还把受伤的鼹鼠 拽出地面

Here's where we are on your mole hunt.


But they were suspicious that they had a mole.


What is it? I thought the mole was okay.

怎么了 那痣不是没什么事吗